
As global markets continue to face unprecedented headwinds, we are taking a closer look at their complex supply chains.

Discover how innovation and circular led packaging design, can help build resilience within your business to macro-economic challenges.

Our exclusive digital forum of expert speakers with seminars, case studies and panel discussions,
will demonstrate how your packaging can play a unique and essential role in optimizing your global supply chains.

Exclusive Digital Customer Event
26.04.2023 - 10h CET

Full agenda

10am CET

Event opening by Stefano Rossi, CEO DS Smith Packaging Division and welcome from across Europe

10:10 CET

Getting supply chain resilience in the package! – by Richard Wilding, one of the world’s leading experts in logistics and supply chain management
Explore resilience with our panel of experts
Discover a selection of thought-provoking 7-10 minute video seminars & case studies on topics as supply chain and efficiency, circularity, innovation and innovative packaging, retail & POS solutions, e-commerce and industrial best practices…

11:10 CET

Get your live questions answers in an open Q&A forum
Highlighting the importance of resilient partnerships
Thank you

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Redefining Packaging
for a Changing World

We are different because we see the opportunity for packaging to play a powerful role in the world
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Keynote speaker

  • Professor Richard Wilding OBE Speaker image
    Professor Richard Wilding OBE Supply chain innovator

    Richard Wilding  BSc, PhD, CEng, Eur Ing, FIET, FCILT, FCIPS, PFHEA, NTF

    As Emeritus Professor of Supply Chain Strategy at Cranfield School of Management U.K. Richard is recognised globally for his thought leadership in Logistics, Procurement & Supply Chain Management. He is described by the BBC and DHL as “one of the world’s leading experts in logistics and supply chain management”.

    He is a highly acclaimed presenter and regularly speaks at Industrial Conferences and has undertaken lecture tours of Europe and Asia at the invitation of local Universities and Confederations of Industry. He is passionate about taking and creating academic knowledge that creates ACTION in business.

    Working with European and International companies on logistics and supply chain projects in all sectors including pharmaceutical, retail, automotive, high technology, food drink and professional services to name a few. His international impact and pre-eminence within the Logistics, Transport, procurement and Supply Chain profession has been recognised by multiple industry awards and he is endorsed as one of the top influencers globally within the profession both by the press and on social media.

    Richard’s special areas of academic interest include supply chain 4.0, e-commerce, the creation of collaborative business environments, reducing supply chain vulnerability & risk, balancing supply chain impact on People, Planet and Profits, time compression and techniques for aligning supply chains to maximise customer value and reduce cost.

Key speakers

  • Stefano Rossi Speaker image
    Stefano Rossi CEO, DS Smith Packaging Division

    Stefano Rossi DS Smith Packaging CEO

    Stefano Rossi has 35 year of experience in the paper and packaging business; he joined DS Smith in 2012 with the acquisition of the Swedish SCA Packaging.

    Born in a village near the Italian city of Lucca, Stefano Rossi has always had a passion for paper.  Stefano’s first move into the paper industry came about when he joined the then SCA Packaging-owned paper mill – a dream workplace located in the village where he lived! Whilst building his knowledge of the paper milling process, Stefano undertook academic studies in pulp and paper technology simultaneously. This was supplemented with further studies in the US in Chemical Engineering.

    After 10 years in his hometown paper mill, Stefano made a move to SCA Packaging head office in Brussels, in 1998 – where he eventually took the responsibility of technology for the entire Paper Division.

    2007 saw a change of direction in Stefano’s journey, where he was asked to take the lead of the Divisional sales organisation. A position he relished, and eventually led to his appointment as head of the Paper Division in 2010.

    The next big change for Stefano came when, in 2012, DS Smith took ownership of SCA’s packaging division. Then CEO of DS Smith, Miles Roberts, asked him to continue to run the paper side of the business.

    In September 2014, Roberts asked Stefano to take over the Packaging part of the company, the core business of DS Smith. A position he holds to this day.

  • Marc Chiron Speaker image
    Marc Chiron Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director, DS Smith Packaging Division

    Marc Chiron
    Global Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director – Packaging Division

    Marc is Global Sales, Marketing and Innovation Director for the Packaging division at DS Smith. Marc joined DS Smith in 2007, leading marketing, commercial and innovation teams at country and divisional level during his 15 years at the company before assuming his current position in 2018.

    Marc leads a diverse, international and high performing team responsible for all Sales, Marketing and Innovation across Europe and North America, including delivering on DS Smith’s innovation strategy for customers across all categories. He leads the company’s focus on implementing the next generation of customer experience to continue to put the customer at the heart of all DS Smith activity and objectives.

    Previous to his time at DS Smith, Marc has 20 years’ experience in FMCG, in particular within the dairy and frozen foods industries and has an academic background in engineering. Marc lives with his family near Paris, France.

Welcome & introductions

  • Liz Manuvelpillai Speaker image
    Liz Manuvelpillai Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director, UK & Ireland
    With over 15 years of working in the FMCG and packaging industry, Liz was appointed as SMI Director in late 2022, after 6 years at DS Smith. With vast leadership skills and expertise in strategic account management - Liz is passionate about bringing the joint flow of value through growth, efficiency, and sustainable innovation. Liz will join us as our panellist, sharing her knowledge and invaluable insight as an experienced professional guiding our UK SMI operations.
  • Jürgen Bundschuh Speaker image
    Jürgen Bundschuh Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director, D-CH
    Jürgen Bundschuh ist Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director bei DS Smith Deutschland & Schweiz. Er ist ausgebildeter Kaufmann und zählt neben 6 Jahren in der Unternehmensberatung außerdem 17 Jahre Erfahrung in internationalen Vertriebs- und Marketingfunktionen bei einem marktführenden Kunststoffverarbeiter, wo er zuletzt als Vice President Marketing und Innovation im Bereich Food Packaging agierte. Jürgen Bundschuh ist seit Mai 2022 als SMI Director für Deutschland & Schweiz bei DS Smith tätig.
  • Hiddo Van de Ven Speaker image
    Hiddo Van de Ven Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director
    Met een carriere die begon bij bosbouw- en papierverwerker SCA, maakt Hiddo de cirkel weer rond als Sales, Marketing en Innovation Director bij DS Smith’s packaging divisie. Dankzij een brede B2B achtergrond brengt Hiddo expertise op een groot aantal marktsegmenten en -categorieën.
  • Martin Kimland Speaker image
    Martin Kimland Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director, Nordic Countries
    No-one will be surprised that after 28 years in the packaging industry, Martin’s breadth and depth of knowledge has led him to hold a wide range of management roles within Ds Smith, the most recent one being Sales Marketing & Innovation Director of Nordic Countries. Bringing together DS Smith leaders from across Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway, his teams work to delight customers on a daily basis with quality, service and experience.
  • Reinier Schlatmann Speaker image
    Reinier Schlatmann Regional Managing Director for DS Smith in East Europe

    Reinier is an experienced executive, who spent over 20 years in multiple industries including healthcare, lighting, consumer goods and building materials as well as paper, packaging and recycling. With a diverse background in marketing, sales, manufacturing, finance, M&A, general management and  being member of multiple supervisory boards, Reinier successfully lead organizations undergoing significant change overseeing a cumulative of 40 countries while living in 7 across 3 continents.  

    He has extensive experience as a transformational leader of companies and teams in complex and highly dynamic multicultural environments building engaged teams and new capabilities. He is passionate about creating innovative solutions and business models based on deep customer insights, driving a continuous improvement mindset as well as contributing to a circular economy and a more sustainable future. 

    Since May 2021, Reinier is Regional Managing Director for DS Smith in East Europe managing over 50 manufacturing locations and 11 design centres with a team of approximately 8,000 employees, where he drives an ambitious transformation agenda focused on customers centricity, innovations and operational excellence while building a winning culture and entrepreneurial mindset.  

    He is 49 years old and graduated from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1998 with a masters’ degree in Business Economics. He also completed Business Valuation at Rotterdam School of Management, an Executive Leadership Program at Wharton Business School and at MIT, as well as completed both the Advanced Management Program (AMP) and International Directors Program (IDP) at INSEAD.

  • Krzysztof Sadowski Speaker image
    Krzysztof Sadowski Dyrektor Zarządzający DS Smith w Polsce oraz krajach Bałtyckich
    Posiada 27-letnie doświadczenie w branży opakowaniowej, w tym 23-letnie doświadczenie na stanowiskach zarządczych. Absolwent Handlu Zagranicznego na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. 
  • Levente Szabó Speaker image
    Levente Szabó DS Smith Packaging Hungary Cluster Director
    Levente közgazdász háttérrel érkezett a DS Smith-hez több mint 12 éve. Ez idő alatt számos területen szerzett tapasztalatot, vezetett hazai és nemzetközi csapatot, mint magyarországi értékesítési- és marketingigazgató, majd öt országot magába foglaló South-West szubrégió SMI vezetője és jelenleg a DS Smith Packaging Hungary ügyvezető igazgatója. Határozott stratégiai gondolkodásával, széleskörű szaktudásával irányítja a hazai szervezetet, és ösztönzi csapatát a folyamatos megújulásra. Energikus munkavégzése, elkötelezettsége inspirálóan hat a körülötte lévőkre. Szabadidejét legszívesebben családja körében, három gyermekével tölti. Ám igyekszik teret engedni szenvedélyének, a zenélésnek, dobverőjét időről időre megpörgetve.
  • Michal Zawistowski Speaker image
    Michal Zawistowski
    Michal je na Varšavski fakulteti za ekonomijo diplomiral iz menedžmenta in trženja in je izkušen menedžer s 15-letnimi delovnimi izkušnjami v embalažni industriji (DS Smith), potovalni industriji (Virgin Holidays), svetovanju pri upravljanju (Roland Berger) in v panogi FMCG (Unilever in Avon). Podjetju DS Smith se je pridružil leta 2018. Kot direktor projektov za vzhodno Evropo je vzpostavil sistem dostave, in postavil visoke standarde projektnega vodenja, s čimer je postal zaupanja vreden partner znotraj skupine in divizije. Pred prihodom v Slovenijo je Michal deloval kot vodja projekta izgradnje nove tovarne v Belchatowu, naše največje naložbe v vzhodni Evropi, s proračunom 66 milijonov EUR. Od maja 2022 ponosno vodi DS Smith Slovenija. Michal je navdušen nad ustvarjanjem močnih ekip in razvojem strategij, zlasti na področju krožnosti.
  • Christian Schmidt Speaker image
    Christian Schmidt Cluster Director DS Smith Packaging Romania
    Christian Schmidt face parte din compania DS Smith din anul 2013, ca urmare a unei cariere anterioare de 9 ani în proiectare, producție și management. Având o înclinație deosebită pentru modul în care designul soluțiilor de ambalare poate transforma atât proiectul, cât și impactul acestuia asupra clientului, Christian a ocupat de-a lungul timpului diverse poziții de management în cadrul fabricilor de ambalaje DS Smith din România, formând și conducând echipe extinse către atingerea țintelor de performanță, inovare și sustenabilitate. Christian a devenit în 2022 Cluster Director pentru DS Smith Packaging România, poziție din care coordonează operațiunile celor două fabrici de ambalaje de la Timișoara și Ghimbav și a celor 3 Service Centere de la Timișoara, Pitești și București. În timpul liber petrece timp alături de familie, cântă la chitară bass și ascultă muzică.


  • Olivia Van Hauwermeiren Speaker image
    Olivia Van Hauwermeiren Customer Engagement Manager, Benelux
    Als ervaren packaging en retail professional levert Olivia een onmisbare bijdrage aan het Benelux team. Tijdens superieure customer engagement sessies - virtueel, fysiek of op locatie in ons unieke Impact Centre – brengt zij multifunctionele teams bijeen om te ontdekken, te leren en inspiratie op te doen op het gebied van verpakkingen, innovatie en duurzaamheidsstrategieën.
  • Lydia Butler Speaker image
    Lydia Butler Regional Customer Engagement Manager
    More than 6 years ago, Lydia entered the packaging industry, starting in the DS Smith Plc sustainability team; supporting customers’ sustainability ambitions worldwide and leading multiple strategic workstreams. Her technical knowledge, and experience with multinational clients armed her for her next step in our Packaging Division Marketing team, where she currently leads the Customer Experience function across the North Europe Region. Together with her team, she manages three flagship physical spaces and works extremely closely with Design and Sales teams to execute a diverse range of workshops on the topics of retail trends, consumer insight, innovation, sustainability, supply chain and more, across seven local markets. 
  • Martin Greb Speaker image
    Martin Greb Customer Engagement Manager, D-CH
    Martin Greb ist Customer Engagement Manager bei DS Smith Deutschland & Schweiz. Seit über 20 Jahren hat er Erfahrung im POS-Marketing und kennt die Bedürfnisse der Kunden. Seit 2015 leitet er das Impact Center in Erlensee und begeistert somit unsere Topkunden jeden Tag aufs Neue. Ein Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit ist das Aufzeigen von Trends und Entwicklungen im Verpackungsmarkt und wie eine Transformation zu einer funktionierenden Kreislaufwirtschaft gelingen kann.
  • Jessica Eliason Speaker image
    Jessica Eliason Customer Engagement Manager, Nordic countries
    As an experienced consultant and Project Manager, Jessica has over 20 years’ experience outside the packaging industry, working with FMCG and Industrial clients across Europe. Since joining DS Smith in summer 2022 as Customer Engagement Manager for Nordics, she has been combining her strong technical and commercial skills, with a natural curiosity and enthusiasm for new knowledge. Moving forward, she will enhance our customer offer by hosting customer workshops and inspiring sessions which go in-depth on insights and trends in various categories, as well as in sustainability.
  • Kamila Koźbiał  Speaker image
    Kamila Koźbiał  Dyrektor Marketing DS Smith w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

    Specjalistka ds. budowania wartości i wizerunku marek, a także zarządzania komunikacją w biznesie. Coach, trener umiejętności biznesowych i komunikacyjnych.

    Obecnie zarządza działem marketingu w globalnej firmie będącej  dostawcą proekologicznych opakowań z tektury falistej, odpowiadając za działania w 17 krajach regionu CEE. Jest odpowiedzialna także za wdrażanie projektów z zakresu sustainability.  Nadzoruje współpracę z firmami z branży FMCG, e-commerce oraz przemysłowej.

    Absolwentka kierunku Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z ponad 15-letnim doświadczeniem w marketingu, komunikacji oraz zrównoważonym rozwoju firm.

  • Viorica Constantinescu Speaker image
    Viorica Constantinescu Director Regional de Comunicare, DS Smith Europa de Est

    Profesionistă în comunicare cu o experiență vastă în marketing și comunicare, a obținut diploma în domeniul afacerilor la Universitatea Wilfred Laurier din Canada și a ocupat multiple roluri de management în domeniul marketingului și comunicării. A început cariera în 2005 cu cea mai mare companie de telecomunicații din Canada și a continuat să lucreze pentru companii mijlocii și mari din diverse industrii, în Europa.

    În prezent, îndeplinește rolul de Director Regional de Comunicare la DS Smith, coordonând toate aspectele de comunicare internă și externă ale companiei la nivel regional, acoperind 17 țări. Printre activitățile sale se numără dezvoltarea de strategii de comunicare, coordonarea evenimentelor și campaniilor de marketing, gestionarea relațiilor cu media și supervizarea unei echipe internaționale.

    Este pasionată de colaborarea cu oamenii și îi place să găsească soluții creative pentru atingerea obiectivelor de comunicare ale organizației.

  • Krisztina Bombera Speaker image
    Krisztina Bombera Műsorvezető, újságíró

    Dr. Bombera Krisztina televíziós újságíró, műsorvezető, egy értékmarketing ügynökség vezetője. Krisztina közel egy évtizedet dolgozott az Egyesült Államokban, dominánsan külpolitikai tudósítóként, egy évet jogi asszisztensként a Princeton Egyetemen. 

     Magyarországon 25 évig dolgozott hírműsor-vezetőként, közéleti és kulturális műsorok, illetve reggeli műsorok műsorvezetőjeként. Moderátorként és kommunikációs trénerként elsősorban egyetemekkel, nagyvállalatokkal és a civil szektor szereplőivel működik együtt. 

     „CauseArt Platform” nevű ügynöksége hátrányos helyzetű csoportok érdekében érzékenyítő kampányokat valósít meg, továbbá a társadalmi szolidaritást és a fenntarthatóságot segíti vállalati felelősségvállalás- és érték kommunikációval.  

     Újságíróként számos interjút készített a magyar közönség számára globálisan ismert közszereplőkkel, interjúalanya volt a többi közt: José Manuel Barroso, Bono, Cher, Francis Fukuyama, Richard Holbrooke, Henry Kissinger, Daniel Radcliffe, Salman Rushdie, Susan Sontag. 

  • Gregor Trebušak Speaker image
    Gregor Trebušak
    Gregor je voditelj in novinar informativne oddaje Svet. V novinarstvu je že več kot 19 let. Začetki so bili radijsko obarvani. Kot politični in gospodarski novinar pa deluje od začetka ustvarjanja in delovanja dnevno informativne oddaje Svet, Kar šest let ji je tudi urednikoval in skrbel, da je bila in še vedno je najbolj gledana oddaja v terminu in ena izmed najbolj gledanih oddaj na slovenskih televizijah nasploh. V vseh teh letih se je kot voditelj dotikal vseh gospodarskih tematik in gledal tudi v prihodnost ter prostor v oddaji namenjal inovacijam, ekologiji in razvoju.
  • Teresa Del Re Speaker image
    Teresa Del Re Marketing Director, Packaging Division
    Teresa Del Re joined DS Smith in 2018 after a 17 year Marketing and Sales career with consumer goods giant Unilever and luxury goods manufacturer Luxottica. She is a strong ambassador of our Purpose of “Redefining Packaging for a Changing World” and in her role as Marketing Director for the Packaging Division is focussed on leading the business towards the opportunities that enable a more sustainable future for our customers. Teresa has combined her Italian roots with a life in the North West of England where she enjoys long walks on the beach with her Labrador after having enjoyed some Italian culinary delights prepared by herself.


  • Jonas Dittrich Speaker image
    Jonas Dittrich
    Packaging is Jonas’ world: since his start in the industry in 2004 Jonas is passionate about the product and its enormous flexibility.  Jonas has worked in different areas of the business, from the production site as packaging engineer to internal sales, external sales and finally into EU Key Account Management. Over time packaging has developed a lot, as well as Jonas has evolved, one thing stayed the same: Jonas’ passion about packaging.
  • Lucian Asanache Speaker image
    Lucian Asanache Key Account Manager

    Lucian Asanache este Key Account Manager pentru o mulțime de clienți din România care activează în sectorul de Legume-Fructe și E-Commerce și are rezultate remarcabile în special în ceea ce privește înlocuirea materialelor plastice problematice și identificarea unor soluții inovatoare de ambalare. În cursul anului 2022 a reușit alături de clienții săi și de echipa de design să înlocuiască 8 milioane de materiale plastice problematice, și are ambiția să îndrume atenția cât mai multor branduri către soluții de ambalare circulare. În timpul liber joacă fotbal și face sport alături de prieteni, iubind să petreacă timpul într-un mod energic.

  • Paul Clarke Speaker image
    Paul Clarke Operations Director, Packaging Division
    Paul is the Operations Director for the Packaging Division at DS Smith.  Paul joined DS Smith in 2017 and led the integration and synergy programme for the newly acquired Paper business in the USA, before taking his current role just over 4 years ago.  Paul is currently responsible for all functional aspects of Operations throughout Europe and North America including leading the Capital Investment programme, Operational Excellence, Supply Chain and Health & Safety.  Prior to DS Smith, he worked in the industry for another Packaging company in a variety of roles and functions including Corporate Strategy, Paper Mill system and Recycling businesses.  Paul is originally Irish, and currently lives with his family near Warwick in England.
  • Ron Verkade Speaker image
    Ron Verkade Supply Chain Director Benelux
    Ron heeft een ruime achtergrond in het managen van zowel Customer Service als supply chain afdelingen. Hij weet na 25 jaar precies waar de kansen, mogelijkheden én uitdagingen liggen en kan dit vertalen naar praktische klantgerichte oplossingen om het maximale te halen uit complexe supply chains.
  • Roxana Gîta Speaker image
    Roxana Gîta Sales Manager

    Roxana Gîta este un Manager de Vânzări cu o experiență vastă în dezvoltarea unor soluții de ambalare complexe, având un portofoliu extins de clienți din sectoarele automotive, industrial, pharma și multe altele. Conduce o echipă dinamică de 8 Key Account Manageri, care adresează cu succes nevoile clienților DS Smith din România. În timpul liber se bucură de timp de calitate alături de familie, iubește călătoriile cu mașina și animalele.

  • Chay Ankers Speaker image
    Chay Ankers OEM Automotive Global Business Development Director
    Chay has been at DS Smith since 2010, and within industrial packaging for over 25 year. Since 2019 he has been working as our Business Development Director for Automotive. Prior to this he has worked for BMW & DHL in Germany, US and across Europe. Chay is responsible for developing sales for his Automotive customers. He has a strong interest in how packaging can improve and reduce the cost and impact of any supply chain. Outside of work Chay is always active, with Squash, Cricket and hiking and this year is celebrating his 50th.
  • Gert De Smedt Speaker image
    Gert De Smedt Innovation Programme Manager
    Gert has been an innovation passionate in DS Smith for more than 20 years, he has been taking different roles in this space and is now part of the Packaging Division Design & Innovation Team. With a particular interest in sustainable packaging solutions, eComm channel specific developments and how technologies such as AI & internet of Packaging can help creating breakthrough innovations in these areas. To fuel his inspiration, Gert needs sport to trigger new thinking. Adventures out on the bike & kitesurfing are on top of his list.
  • Anouska Kett Speaker image
    Anouska Kett Marketing & Innovation Director, Retail Marketing Sector
    Anouska, a retail marketing specialist with B2B marketing and shopper insight expertise, has been at DS Smith for just over 3 years. She has a passion to demonstrate how powerful insight-led thinking and design can achieve ways to attract, sell, and drive shopper loyalty. With a dedication to supporting our customers to elevate the retail experience, giving shoppers reasons to love a brand and buy time and time again. Anouska will share her extensive experience of delivering innovation-led solutions into retail.
  • James Dargie Speaker image
    James Dargie Head of Supply Chain, UK
    James has had over 25 years of supply chain and sales experience before joining DS Smith 18 months ago as Head of Supply Chain. He has developed his knowledge through working for some of the biggest branded consumer goods manufacturers in the UK. As a result, he has become very familiar with numerous supply chain challenges that customers are looking to overcome, and the opportunities that they are trying to exploit. In his current role, James has gained specific expertise in strategic supply chain planning. Including Network Optimisation, leading Sales & Operations Planning, developing Logistics Continuous Improvement, and managing paper demand and supply planning with multiple stakeholders across Europe. 
  • Simon Saunders Speaker image
    Simon Saunders Design & Innovation Manager, UK
    With 13 years at DS Smith and a further 17 years in a previous role, Simon has had 30 years of experience as a design and innovation specialist. With an in-depth understanding of DS Smith operations, his skills lie in the FMCG customer supply cycle and eComm market sectors. As an experienced leader in design and innovation - he can provide valuable insight into how D&I teams function and what tools are required. Simon will share his first-hand knowledge of collaborative and supply cycle tools & insights. He will also discuss his expertise of working with customers and internal stakeholders, to develop packaging solutions that achieve real supply cycle results.
  • Petra Siens Speaker image
    Petra Siens Design & Innovation Manager, Benelux
    Er zullen maar weinig managers in design en innovatie zijn die meer customer facing ervaring meebrengen dan Petra. Met bijna een kwart eeuw in de verpakkingswereld – als Internal Sales medewerker en (Key)Accountmanager - weet zij haar designteams feilloos te organiseren rondom de behoeften van de klant. Dit resulteert in unieke verpakkingsdesigns die de omzet van DS Smith’s afnemers verhogen, hun kosten verlagen, hun risico’s beperken en er voor te zorgen ze ‘circular ready’ zijn.
  • Filip Van Imple Speaker image
    Filip Van Imple Packaging Systems Engineer, Belgium
    Filip ondersteunt bedrijven bij de aanschaf van dozenopzetmachines, inpaklijnen, dozensluiters en palletiseersytemen en adviseert bij optimalisatievraagstukken om de machinale verwerking van bestaande machines te optimaliseren. Door de machine en het verpakkingsontwerp maximaal op elkaar af te stemmen wordt de output verhoogd, downtime verlaagd en uitval tot een absoluut minimum teruggebracht.
  • Volker Quaas Speaker image
    Volker Quaas Design & Innovation Manager, D-CH
    Volker Quaas ist Country Head of Design & Innovation bei DS Smith Deutschland & Schweiz. Nach seiner Ausbildung zum Verpackungsmittelmechaniker und des Studiums zum Verpackungsingenieur folgte die Stelle als Verpackungsdesigner im Bereich FMCG Produkte. Volker Quaas besetzte in den Folgejahren außerdem die Position des Europäischen Design Managers für FMCG Produkte und ist seit 6 Jahren als Country Head of Design & Innovation für Deutschland & Schweiz tätig.
  • Matthias Hornung Speaker image
    Matthias Hornung Business Support Manager, D-CH
    Matthias Hornung ist Team Leader des Business Support Teams bei DS Smith Deutschland & Schweiz. Nach seiner Ausbildung in einem mittelständigen Unternehmen der Verpackungsmaschinenbranche wechselte er in die Wellpappen-Industrie, wo er seit vielen Jahren verantwortlich ist für die Projektierung von Verpackungsmaschinen und kompletten Endverpackungslinien für unsere Kunden. Matthias Hornung hat über 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Vertrieb von maßgeschneiderten Automatisierungslösungen sowie der Kundenberatung entlang des Supply Cycle. Seit 2015 ist er verantwortlich für den Bereich Business Support bei DS Smith Deutschland & Schweiz.
  • Ari Oksaharju Speaker image
    Ari Oksaharju Sales Manager Nordic Key Accounts
    Ari Oksaharju has worked for FMCG companies for more than 20 years and more than 5 years in the packaging industry. At DS Smith he is Sales Manager for Nordic Key Accounts, and his has strong commercial approach to Business Development and Sustainability
  • Mette Staal Speaker image
    Mette Staal Cluster Creative Lead
    With 15 years of experience in the packaging industry, Mette is currently responsible for Innovations in Denmark and inspires customers to have innovative and smart solutions, always with circularity in mind. She worked 6 years in our European Innovation Centre in Brussels, now called Brands & Experience and also as Design lead for Nordic ecommerce. Innovation and sustainability often goes hand in hand and is something she touches upon every day. The many conversations with customers lead to innovative and optimized designs. Currently she is having a lot of exciting dialogues about the Circular Design Matrix, the Extended Producer Responsibility and another hot topic is what to communicate and mark on packaging.
  • Philip Adcock Speaker image
    Philip Adcock Behavioural Science Expert, Shopper Consultant, & Published Author
    With over 25 years of experience in consumer psychology and shopping behaviour, Phillip uses Behavioural Science to improve customer experiences, helping to make things better for businesses, brands & consumers. Phillip has studied consumers and shoppers alike, discovering how they behave, how they think, & how they buy. He has gathered together more than 1,500 insights that can be applied to Ecommerce and Retail to help you sell more and grow your brand. Phillip will be sharing his insights into how you can leverage Behavioural Science to achieve your brand-related business goals.
  • Michael Fisker Speaker image
    Michael Fisker Head of Sales, Marketing & Innovation Denmark
    After more than 13 years of extensive experience working in large international manufacturing companies, supplying a great variety of customers within FMCG, industrial and e-commerce, Michael Fisker have had the role as Head of Sales, Marketing & Innovation for DS Smith Denmark for more than 3 years. Leading a multifunctional team of over 40 employees, he is passionate about build a strong customer proposition through insight, digital tools and loves to challenge the status quo in order to make the right choices, for the right customer.
  • Frederik Johansson Speaker image
    Frederik Johansson Design & Innovation Manager, Nordics
    Starting in the packaging industry over 15 years ago, Fredrik has always had an interest in Design & Innovations. As Design & Innovation Manager Nordic Countries, leads the function of Design & Innovation and a network of Innovation Specialists who are redefining packaging with concepts across multiple industries and categories – pioneering DS Smith’s approach to circular design for the Nordic countries.
  • Paweł Mazanka Speaker image
    Paweł Mazanka
  • Marta Miller Speaker image
    Marta Miller Dyrektor Sprzedaży Fabryki w Oławie / Cluster SMI Manager

    Coach i specjalistka ds. budowania relacji biznesowych, negocjacji handlowych, domykania procesów projektowych i zarządzania zespołem sprzedaży.

    Obecnie zarządza działem sprzedaży regionalnej dwóch fabryk w zachodniej części Polski w globalnej firmie będącej  dostawcą proekologicznych opakowań z tektury falistej, oraz nadzoruje pracę działu projektowania i wdrożeń opakowań oraz innowacji. Jest odpowiedzialna także za realizację projektów z zakresu optymalizacji procesu sprzedaży oraz gospodarki zapasem magazynowym.  Nadzoruje współpracę z firmami z branży FMCG, e-commerce oraz przemysłowej.

    Absolwentka kierunku Prawa  i Administracji Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego oraz Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi Uniwersytety Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu i Coachingu Szkoły Coachów Meritum z ponad 18-letnim doświadczeniem w sprzedaży i zarządzaniu zespołami ludzkimi.

  • Martin Moström Speaker image
    Martin Moström CEO Retail House
    Strategic adviser Shopper Marketing and CEO of Retail House, one of the leading shopper marketing agencies in the Nordics. He has over 20 years of experience in working with brands and retailers in the Nordics. Co-author of academic papers and books within Shopper Marketing.
  • Alenka Knez Speaker image
    Alenka Knez
    Alenka je vodja dizajna in inovacij, v podjetju DS Smith Slovenija pa je zadolžena za tim strukturalnih, grafičnih in izvedbenih oblikovalcev, združenih v PackRight centru. Ponosna je na svojo kreativno, motivirano in trajnostno usmerjeno ekipo. Delujejo po principih krožnega oblikovanja in so ciljno usmerjeni v optimizacijo kupčevih dobavnih verig in kreiranje otipljivih rezultatov. Da so dobri v tem, kar delajo, dokazujejo s številnimi nagradami, v okviru skupine DS Smith in tudi širše. Alenki najljubše priznanje je nedavna absolutna zmaga na tekmovanju »PackRight Award« posvečenega trem projektnim kategorijam, dvema povezanima s sodelovanjem s strankami in kreiranju prihrankov in tretji kategoriji za »Innovation Challenge«. 
  • Jožica Hojnik Speaker image
    Jožica Hojnik
    Jožica je direktorica prodaje, marketinga in inovacij v podjetju DS Smith Slovenija. Diplomirala je iz ekonomije, svojo karierno pot pa je gradila skozi napredovanja v podjetju. Sprva je bila odgovorna za kakovost, vpeljavo sistemov kakovosti, logistiko, kasneje pa je prevzela odgovornost do kupcev in trga. Deset let že uspešno vodi skupino embalažnih strokovnjakov, ki skupaj nagovarjajo kupce k prehodu na trajnostno embalažo. Zadovoljstvo strank je njen motivator uspeha.  
  • Marian Lungu Speaker image
    Marian Lungu Cluster Design & Innovation Manager
    Cu o experiență de peste 12 ani în design și implementare, Marian Lungu este leaderul unei echipe de 14 designeri cu diferite specializări, localizați în cele două fabrici de ambalaje DS Smith din România. Având o experiență de 4 ani în New Production Introduction în cadrul DS Smith, urmată de 4 ani in design management, are o pasiune nativă pentru inovare și proiectarea unor ambalaje de impact, cu design atractiv. Marian dezvoltă cu succes alături de echipa lui mii de soluții de ambalare pentru clienții DS Smith. Hobby-ul cel mai drag pentru Marian este colecționarea de viniluri cu muzică rock, funk, și jazz, pe care le ascultă în compania prietenilor și a familiei.
  • Larisa Mărgineanu Speaker image
    Larisa Mărgineanu Cluster Customer Service Manager
    Larisa Mărgineanu este una dintre persoanele cheie atunci când vine vorba despre interacțiunea DS Smith cu clienții din România. Parte a echipei DS Smith din 2012, Larisa a acumulat o experiență vastă în relații cu clienții, vânzări, planning și dispatch planning, fiind inițial Reprezentant Customer Service, ulterior Customer Service Team Leader, iar astăzi Cluster Customer Service Manager, conducând o echipă extinsă de 15 reprezentanți customer service, prezenti în toate locațiile DS Smith din România. Având o experiență de peste 17 ani în Customer Service și studii economice, Larisa apreciază dinamismul poziției pe care o ocupă și abordează prompt, cu ambiție și entuziasm provocările zilnice. În timpul liber este pasionată de cofetărie și gătește cu drag dulciuri de casă, în special pentru cei doi copii ai ei.
  • András Siegler Speaker image
    András Siegler

    András felkészült és tapasztalt vezető, erős kereskedelmi fókusszal, melynek középpontjában a vevői igényekre reagáló innovatív megoldások állnak, emellett mély technógiai tudással bír és műszaki affinitással jellemzi. Több mint 20 éves szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezik nyomda-, és csomagolóanyagipar különböző területeiről. A termelésben szerzett ismeretei révén holisztikusan közelíti meg a vállalati folyamatokat, döntéseit átfogó szemlélet jellemzi. Ennek köszönhetően jó érzékkel választja ki a célokat legjobban támogató szervezeti felépítést, és keresi meg kollegáinak a legalkalmasabb feladatokat. Éppen ezért aktív szerepet vállal a vállalat újrastruktúrálásában. A fenntartható csomagolási megoldások megtalálása és a vevőkkel közösen történő fejlesztése nemcsak üzleti prioritásként jelenik meg életében, hanem családapaként személyes ügyének is tekinti.

    Második alkalommal dolgozik a DS Smith-nél. Első alkalommal, több mint 3 évig vezette kiemelkedő eredményességgel a győri ofszet gyárat, kétszámjegyű hatékonyságnövekedést érve el, és számos elismerést besöpörve a DS Smith belső teljesítményértékelésein. Jelenleg az értékesítés marketing és innovációs csapat vezetőjeként dolgozik a vállalatnál. Siker kultúrát magával hozta ebbe a pozícióba is, árbevételi csúcsokat döntve, és iparági szakmai elismerések kivívásával. Hiszen immáron 3 WorldStar Global Packaging Award díjat nyert csapatával. 

    András 49 éves. Tanulmányait az Óbudai Egyetem jogelődjénél kezdte, ahol nyomdaipari mérnöki végzettséget szerzett. Majd marketingkommunikációt tanult a Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetemen és okleveles közgazdászként végzett a Szent István Egyetemen. A csapatban gondolkodást nem csak a munkájában helyezi előtérbe, ugyanis a mai napig aktív labdarugóként, kétszeres amatőr bajnoknak is mondhatja magát. 

  • Judit Nagy Speaker image
    Judit Nagy Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Egyetemi docens
    Nagy Judit, a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Ellátásilánc-menedzsment Tanszékének egyetemi docense. Kutatási területe az ellátási láncok működésbiztonsága, különös tekintettel az élelmiszeriparra és tanulmányozza a vállalatok azon képességeit, amelyek alkalmassá teszik őket és ez által az ellátási láncot a válsághelyzetekre való rugalmas reagálásra. 100+ magyar illetve angol nyelvű tudományos cikk, könyvfejezet szerzője.
  • Eszter Mihály Speaker image
    Eszter Mihály HELL ENEREGY Group CSR Manager

    Eszter célkitűzése, hogy valós és nyomon követhető intézkedésekkel járuljon hozzá a klímaváltozás elleni harchoz és részt vegyen a körforgásos gazdaság megvalósításában. Dolgozott a magánszektorban - a kisvállalatoktól a nagyobb ipari vállalatokig -, de járatos nonprofit szervezetek irányításában is. Közel 10 éve foglalkozik a fenntarthatóság témájával, az évek alatt, az összegyűjtött tapasztalataival pedig a HELL csapatát pedig három éve erősíti, mint CSR Manager. Feladatköréhez tartozik a cégcsoport szintű fenntarthatósági stratégia kialakítása és megvalósítása.

    Eredetileg a Koppenhágai Egyetemen és a Hohenheimi Egyetemen szerzett kettős MSc diplomát környezettudományból és éghajlatváltozásból. A COVID alatt pedig elvégezte a shanghai Fudan Egyetem pénzügyi mesterképzését, valamint a Corvinuson egy MBA programot.

Key themes

  • Supply Chain Optimisation Exhibitor logo

    Supply Chain Optimisation

  • Circular & Innovative Packaging Design Exhibitor logo

    Circular & Innovative Packaging Design

  • E-commerce Exhibitor logo
